
Heya! I’m a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington’s Paul G Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering advised by Professor Simon Peter. My current work revolves around analyzing data movement and mitigating its performance impact in contemporary applications [ISCA ‘24]. I hope to explore this problem across the stack from the single-node architectural level to multi-machine distributed systems.

There are three main axes by which I’m doing this:
1) Avoiding (unnecessary) data movement,
2) Reducing (necessary) data movement, and
3) Hiding the overheads of data movement by overlapping it with other operations.

Prior to this, I spent two years as a research assistant at the Indian Institute of Science, working with Professor Arkaprava Basu. Here, I worked on improving race detection in GPUs [ISCA ‘20, SOSP ‘21], and improving GPU performance through the use of NVM technology [ASPLOS ‘22, ‘23].

I try to weightlift every weekday, and I’m always on the lookout for workout buddies. If you’re at UW and love pumping iron as much as I do, please hit me up!


Still here? Curious to see what first contact with aliens might look like?
Check out this talk I gave at the ASPLOS 2023 “Wild and Crazy Ideas” session: